Social Media

  • Your Online Properties – Is There Anybody Home?

    We all know the trick when you are off on vacation. Leave lights on, stop the mail delivery, have someone…

  • Effective Simplicity – 3 Steps to Building an Online Marketing Plan

    Effective marketing can help a business soar. Business people know this. Just watch a few episodes of the CBC’s “Dragons Den”…

  • Video: Now a Must and no longer a Maybe

    As a marketer, of course, I believe in video and integrating it into my overall marketing strategy. But as a…

  • Twitter’s Changing. Are You?

    Twitter recently announced changes to its icon and banner sizing. On top of changing the dimensions of the images themselves,…

  • Sharing Across Demographics

    There’s a lot of talk about how to gain traction in social sharing spheres. “Engagement” has an almost buzzword quality…

  • To be or not to be Social? That is the question

    When I first started working in Social Media, it was still an option to be or not to be social.…

  • Only 8% of Sales Leaders Prioritize Social Sales [New Data]

    For seven years now, HubSpot has been polling business to get a sense of where is the State of Inbound:…

  • Traditional Tweeting: The Merging of Traditional and SocialChannels

    Marketers have long known advertising is no longer a one-way street. The social world has meshed with the so-called “real…

  • Social Media is NOT a Numbers Game

    Google Analytics, ROI, CTR, traffic to site and followership. We try by every means possible to measure our impact on…

  • Customer Service Is Social

    Taking care of your customers is how you stay in business. Customer support lines, email accounts, and in-person offices give…


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