I Have a Website, Why Do I Need Branding?

I Have a Website, Why Do I Need Branding?
July 14, 2015 PROSAR

I have a website, a logo, and a mission statement, why do I need branding?

This is a question asked by many when looking to grow their businesses online. It’s a question we expect and we’re happy to discuss. Branding is an essential part of a marketing strategy, which is where it all should begin.


Branding graphic


Branding Defined

Branding is a name, symbol or design that identifies a product or a company from the others.

Simple as that sounds, branding is more than just a logo or a catchy name.  Or nice new stationary and an updated website.  Branding is an expression of the value your organization delivers. Branding allows you to communicate that value in a unique and visual way, integrated within everything you do.

What About My Mission Statement?

If branding is all expressing who you are and the value you bring, what about my mission statement (that we worked so hard on writing)?

Mission statements are important internal documents. Those outside of your organization may have difficulty in interpreting what they mean to anyone outside of your organization. There is discussion as to whether they should be publicized at all, some considering them as self-serving. Most mission statements are flat-out declarations on how great a company is.

Branding should reflect your mission statement. As such it is an effective and subtle way to show your reason for being in business. No risk of sounding cliche, self-serving, or just like every other mission statement. Every brand is unique!

Branding is Your Promise

One of the great things about having an effective brand is that it delivers a standard of messaging consistency. Brand covers visual and communicative tone that your entire organization can really get behind. Effective brands are worn with pride by its employees, it has a rallying effect that keeps everyone singing the same song.

There is an implied promise behind a brand that what you do as an organization will be as a unit, behind the brand, and offer a consistent quality. People expect consistency behind a brand. From McDonalds to IBM, we know what to expect when we patronize these businesses.

The Branding Package

When sourcing a new website or a new logo, think bigger picture and think of your brand. This is what separates what a marketing agency can do for you from the $500 website your cousin can build.

The bigger picture of you brand is the most important picture, one that will last longer than a website upgrade. Branding and re-branding should not be done frequently or even regularly – too often affects the credibility of the brand. If your brand is stuck in the 80s however, it may be time for a more contemporary change.

Branding covers names, logos, design, packaging, signs, web, social media, and just about anything else that reflects your organization. Brand consideration is inevitable in a business’ maturity. There comes a time for all when a website reflects more than just a logo, it reflects a brand.

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